Ep 1: What is Spiritual Awakening
Are you experiencing a shift in your conscious awareness?
Are you feeling that nudge within your body that there has to be something more in life?
If so you could be experiencing a spiritual awakening and this could be gradual or sudden.
Spiritual awakening is happening on a greater level now as we are upon the Great Awakening.
What can lead to a spiritual awakening?
Many times a major life transition can activate your spiritual awakening. Such for me it began with quitting my professional career as the Director of Public Health and uprooting my family and moving to Colorado for me to begin studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. Some other triggers include divorce, death of a loved one, major illness or job loss.
What changes happen during a spiritual awakening?
Stages of a spiritual awakening
Stage 1: Ignorance
Stage 2: Seeking.
Stage 3: Awakening
Stage 4: Integration
Tips to support you during your spiritual awakening
Be open to change:
Be curious:
Learn to let go:
Connect with Nature:
Lastly be patient:
Press play to hear more about my personal experience and spiritual awakening journey.
Much love,
Connect or work with Danielle Golie:
Facebook: @daniellegolie
Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie
Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life
Book a Session: @yourpurposefulllife.as.me
If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:) @danigolie.buy.stripe.com