Soul Steps to support you in implementing sacred self-care for a live of purpose, fulfillment and balance.Ā 

Burning It Down...


Burning it down...


During these times of burning it away, they are happening faster, more pronounced and sometimes more painful.

Dear friends, if this is something you are experiencing right now, first of all ~ I'm sending you my love!!

I too experienced the "Burn Down" and continue to burn away layers of self that no longer serve me time after time.

I believe these times of "flame on" is purposeful and in my highest good.

Does that make it easier...HECK NO!

I know for me it allows me to drop into trust and faith that life is happening for me, not to me.

It allows me the grace to sit with the emotions/feelings that are surfacing and become the witnesser and not the victim of them. 

I believe when being the witnesser of my emotions I open to the true gift waiting for me.

The gift to observe the sensations in my body, how they are impacting my feelings, relationships, goals and health. 

I become comfortable with asking my emotions questions to gain more clarity and to receive the gifts coming in for me. 

This has become one of the most tapped into processes to date that has lead me to clarity of patterns playing out in my life and that are no longer here to serve my highest good or my life of purpose. 

This has allowed me to make new choices and to take different actions in life...a path of faith in self, my body, my intuition, and Divine Spirit. 

Having grace and compassion for yourself during this process as it takes practice just like learning any new skill will be key. 

3 Soul Sensing Secrets I have used and find very supportive: 

#1. Spend time ALONE. We live in a world of distractions for a reason. To keep you from connecting with yourself on a deeper level and to follow your own knowing and intuition. 

#2. Have patience with yourself. You will likely feel unease in your body at first. This is a good sign! It means you are opening up and allowing yourself the space to connect. Your body and mind use this unease to keep you busy in life and avoiding your truth. 

#3. Practice. Spend time alone, quiet time. No distractions, turn off notifications for 5-10 minutes DAILY. Work up to longer periods over time. You can also journal during this time or right afterwards to capture any insights or ah ha's.

Bonus: Ask questions of your emotions:

Some to help you get started. 

~ What is this I'm feeling?

~ What emotion/s am I feeling?

~Where in my body are the emotions residing?

~ What if any messages do you have for me?

You got this my dear friend and if you would like more support with activating your soul and gaining awareness on what is ready to burn away for you right now. It would be my honor to support you with accelerating your souls growth so that you continue to process on your personal awakening with more ease and clarity.

I have opened my calendar for a limited number of slots for 1:1 soul activation intuitive readings. 

Link to Schedule your private 60 minute session. Sessions are done over the phone and you will receive a recoding. 

Much love to you and support during this burning down process. Your truth and purposeFULL life is here for you!! 

Embrace the journey, 




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