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The Truth About Building a Business Aligned with Your Soulā€™s Calling Dec 04, 2024

Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you as an entrepreneur? Like you were doing everything the "right" way, following the prescribed path, yet still felt misaligned, drained, or disconnected from the business you were building?

I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Gifted, servant-hearted entrepreneurs join business coaching programs, only to feel like they’re doing it all wrong because the strategies they’re being taught don’t take into account their ...

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Discovering Sacred Self-Care: A Guide to Implementing It Today Apr 12, 2024

In the midst of life's whirlwind, taking time for sacred self-care is a gentle yet powerful act of self-love. Let's explore what sacred self-care truly means and how you can infuse it into your daily life starting today.

First, lets discuss the difference between standard self-care and what I like to call sacred self-care. 

I have witnessed during conversations regarding self-care that there is a big difference in the meaning of self-care and how and why it can feel challenging...

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What is Spiritual Awakening Feb 20, 2023

Are you experiencing a shift in your conscious awareness? 

Are you feeling that nudge within your body that there has to be something more in life? 

If so you could be experiencing a spiritual awakening and this could be gradual or sudden.

Spiritual awakening is happening on a greater level now as we are upon the Great Awakening. 

What can lead to a spiritual awakening?

Many times a major life transition can activate your spiritual awakening. Such for me it began with quitting...

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What is Human Design? Nov 15, 2022

Human Design as a system and how did it come about? 

Human Design was created by a man who went by Ra Ura Hu or should I say was downloaded by him back in 1987. The story is he went into a meditative state for 7 days and channeled the system from an energy called the "voice". What he has called Human Design was later proven by science 11 years later. 

When I discovered the system I had been doing my own research and exploration of astrology, numerology, the chakras and all things...

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Friend or Foe, Understanding Routine Within Your Human Design Nov 08, 2022

I recently was asked about how to set a routine that helps to feel grounded and stable in life.

The questions came at a time where I too was feeling like I was "needing" a more structured daily routine as an entrepreneur that works mostly from home. As I do live 23 miles from town in the mountains and I can find myself daydreaming as I look out the window at the beautiful scenery. I was feeling like it would help me feel more productive at the end of the day...even when I do accomplish many...

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Replenish Yourself, Give From an Overflowing Cup Aug 16, 2022

In a time where there are so many demands on your time and energy, there's no wonder so many women are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and stressed. 

For so long women have been under the pressure to be ALL, do ALL and to not complain when feeling tired, exhausted or overwhelmed. 

Keep smiling and keep going...this is how I felt and still feel from time to time. I have burnt myself out many times over the years. Being a wife, mother, professional woman and now an entrepreneur. 

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