What is Spiritual Awakening
Feb 20, 2023
Are you experiencing a shift in your conscious awareness?
Are you feeling that nudge within your body that there has to be something more in life?
If so you could be experiencing a spiritual awakening and this could be gradual or sudden.
Spiritual awakening is happening on a greater level now as we are upon the Great Awakening.
What can lead to a spiritual awakening?
Many times a major life transition can activate your spiritual awakening. Such for me it began with quitting my professional career as the Director of Public Health and uprooting my family and moving to Colorado for me to begin studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. Some other triggers include divorce, death of a loved one, major illness or job loss.
What changes happen during a spiritual awakening?
Most commonly, you will begin to witness the world around you in a different perspective. Questions such as "why am I here?", "what is my purpose?", and "how am I meant to show up in the world?" You may feel lost or confused about life and what the point of it is.
It usually is a great time of growth and letting go of old conditioning and programming of the world around you.
For me, this was an intense time and last about 18 months of rapid shedding of who I once believed I was, the woman who believed had to be happy all the time.
During a spiritual awakening massive purging of stuck emotions from the mind, body and spirit are likely.
Stages of a spiritual awakening
Stage 1: Ignorance
Time of living on autopilot. Going through the motions without real purpose or direction. Here you are unaware of your true potenial and what exists inside you.
Stage 2: Seeking
Where you begin to become aware of the disconnection that exists between you and the world around you. Where you can begin to feel lost or confused like something is missing from your life.
During this stage the "WHY" questions arise and you begin to contemplate them. Also where you seek out others who may help as well as other resources to help you understand what is going on with your inner thoughts and shift of perspective.
Stage 3: Awakening
You begin to have sudden realizations of insights and begin to see the world in a new light. You rediscover who you really as a soul and start to take actions toward living your life more on purpose.
What a beautiful space this can be. You start to connect with yourself and something bigger...the Divine, God, Source, Spirit or the Universe. Whatever you ascribe to. You begin to sense more peace and contentment.
Trust in your intuition, inner guidance strengthen.
Stage 4: Integration
Where you begin to integrate your new insights and understanding into your everyday life. You live life with more purpose and intention. You surround yourself with others and places that align with your new vibration. You may leave jobs, relationships or improve on them.
You see the world differently. You generally have a more gratitude attitude and experience more joy and happiness in daily life.
Tips to support you during your spiritual awakening
Be open to change: Open to change as well as open to letting go of old beliefs and ways of thinking.
Be curious: Be curious to explore new ways of thinking about yourself, life or how you can show up in the world. Be curious to try new or different modalities of support. Such as massage, energy work, coaching/mentorship, natural healing techniques just to name a few.
Learn to let go: Practice letting go of old hurts, hurtful memories, shame, regret or fear. It doesn't mean it didn't happen to you, it just allows you to put down the heavy burden of carrying it around in like a brick of concrete. It helps to lighten your load.
Declutter: Your outer environment is a reflection of your inner thoughts so declutter your space. It will allow you to relax and focus more on the things you desire to spend your time and energy on. It also allows new opportunities, people and experiences to enter your life.
Connect with Nature: Nature is a great resource that everyone has access too. Even in the most busiest of cities. Nature can support you in realigning with your natural and harmonic vibration. It can also support you with letting go of emotions and gain more balance and focus.
Lastly be patient: Spiritual awakening isn't something you can rush or force, it is a process. The wakening itself if the gift and it has benefits. Be patient to allow it to unfold and trust your own unique journey and experience.
Press play to hear more about my personal experience and spiritual awakening journey.
Much love, Danielle
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