On TheĀ Blog

Replenish Yourself, Give From an Overflowing Cup

Aug 16, 2022
Replenish Yourself

In a time where there are so many demands on your time and energy, there's no wonder so many women are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and stressed. 

For so long women have been under the pressure to be ALL, do ALL and to not complain when feeling tired, exhausted or overwhelmed. 

Keep smiling and keep going...this is how I felt and still feel from time to time. I have burnt myself out many times over the years. Being a wife, mother, professional woman and now an entrepreneur. 

It began to change for me during my time of studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. I discovered the connection between my beliefs, my actions, and my desires and feeling the difference between burnt out or joyful. 

I began to take back control of my energy and began to implement self care tips into my life. 

I wanted to learn how to stop feeling overwhelmed and to start giving from an overflowing cup. 

More now then ever when I connect with other women, moms, professionals I hear the same story over and over again. The one I knew so well myself.

I'm so busy running the kids to their activities that I don't have time for myself. I'm wiped out emotionally and physically and have nothing more to give. My career, job or business is taking so much from me and I wish I could find joy in what I do. my relationship is suffering because I just don't have the energy to give my partner at the end of the day.

When or where did we get the message to be successful and happy in life we had to suffer? To give every ounce of ourselves away? 

If you resonate and are still waiting until circumstances are different before you allow yourself to experience joy, or for things to "slow" down before you take some time for yourself and to replenish yourself...you may have a long wait. 

Life is always changing and asking us for more. If you don't follow your bliss now, when will you?

Your purpose in life is to experience joy! 

Not to keep giving from burn out, overwhelm or stress.

To change you must take steps forward now while implementing and protecting your personal boundaries. 

You don't need to do everything at once for everyone for everything. But you do need to start. 

Humming birds are a wonderful example to follow from nature. They are small, they travel great distances every day and can even fly backwards reaching 1,000's of flowers a day. They expend a tremendous amount of energy, so it's necessary for them to take periodic rests during the day. They understand the importance to replenish yourself often.

Life is every changing and challenging you to be more and do more. Replenish yourself, implement self care practices, find and stand strong within your personal boundaries and knock out feeling burnt out and overwhelmed so that you give from a cup of overflow and experience more joy, happiness and connections. 

Discover your JOY,


If you are feeling burnt out, stressed and tired of feeling resigned to the duties of your life.

Then join us for THE GRACE BREAK...Women's Weekend Mountain Retreat. Hosted in the Bears Paw Mountains of Montana Sept 9th-11th 2022

Click here to learn more and register to join us! 

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